Mission, Vision, Goals, and Collective Committments


  • The purpose of Mason Crest is to ensure high levels of learning for all –students and adults.


  • We, the staff of Mason Crest Elementary School, recognize that the fundamental purpose of our school is to ensure high levels of learning for all – students and adults. If, through our collective effort, we are able to fulfill that purpose, our students will have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential to pursuing their goals and dreams throughout their lives.


  • We will establish indicators of progress and strategies for monitoring those indicators. To ensure a process for monitoring progress we will set clear schoolwide goals (aligned with the division’s goals) and every collaborative team will translate one or more goals into a goal for the team that is Strategic and specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented and Time-bound (SMART).

Collective Commitments

In order to honor and advance our shared purpose, vision, and goals, we pledge to honor the following collective commitments. We will:

  • Identify and teach the agreed-upon essential outcomes, adhere to the curriculum pacing established by the team and help our students discover what they can do with that knowledge.
  • Create both common formative and summative assessments and administer them according to the team’s agreed-upon timeline.
  • Use the results from our common assessments to improve our individual and collective practice and to meet the enrichment and intervention needs of our students.
  • Contribute to an effective system of intervention and enrichment.
  • Be positive contributing members of our team as we work interdependently to achieve shared goals and demonstrate mutual accountability.
  • Engage in open frequent two-way communication among all stakeholders, provide families with ongoing information about their children, and offer specific ideas and materials to help families become full partners in the ongoing education of their children.
  • Embrace shared responsibilities and help others grow in their leadership responsibilities.
  • Contribute to a culture of celebration by acknowledging the efforts and achievements of our students and colleagues as we continually strive for even greater success.
  • Agree to a common language about behavioral expectations, model that behavior, and consistently reinforce our expectations.
  • Consider all points of view and come to our work each day as the best versions of ourselves.