Family Engagement Survey

Mason Crest Elementary

About the Survey

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) conducted for the first time a division-wide Family Engagement Survey March 24 – April 12, 2019 to all families with students in grades K-12. The survey asked families to provide their feedback on their engagement at their child’s school in six core areas: welcoming environment, communication, student success, advocacy, family and school partnerships, and collaboration with the community.

All responses to the Family Engagement Survey were strictly confidential. The division’s independent research and communications partner, K12 Insight, administered the survey and compiled the results. Final reports only include overall results, not individual responses. No one from the division knew who participated or was able to link participants to their responses.

Fairfax County Public Schools shares copyright for the Family Engagement Survey with K12Insight.
It is well on its way to becoming the model across Virginia and the country.

View the Results